Every idea is like a rock. Every product is a polished jewel.
The jewel was ALWAYS there, under the rough exterior, but it needed exposing. That refining within this industry is where classics are born.
In mid-2019, Peter Turner approached the Ellusionist team at a Penthouse party in Las Vegas. He had the idea of putting a stack crib on a watch face. Instead of numbers, it was playing cards.
52 minutes, washed away by the more important information. The deck.
He'd had the idea for years, but has never released a device to the industry before... and didn't know where to start.
He didn't know STACK, he'd never even tried to learn it, but this new idea would make his efforts obsolete anyway. It just needed to be realized.

Fast forward 14 days and 6 hours later and a DHL delivery driver knocked his door with the very first STACK prototype.
The numbers weren't perfect, the band wasn't tailored, but it was PROOF. Proof that it DOES work.
Later that day, Geraint Clarke joined Pete on a catch-up Skype call and said "Why don't you put the cards on a silent, bidirectional bezel. Like a divers watch."
That one refinement would allow magicians to re-track the order of a mixed (cut multiple times) stacked deck, with nothing but a twist. Something that looks natural and can be done right under the spectators nose.
The STACK WATCH was born.